- PH402 - Death Education
Designed to prepare educators to conduct learning experiences about death and dying in a variety of school, college, medical care, and community settings. Stress will be placed on developing brief, functional curricula and usable, imaginative, teaching-learning materials and on evaluating resource materials for use in educating at various levels of maturity.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH403 - Health Advocate Training
Provides students with knowledge and skills in the areas of peer health education, health advocacy, and referral. Instruction includes health care information from a wellness point of view. Prepares students for practicum in health advocate program. Credit will not count toward a master's degree in health education. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH407 - Substance Use Prevention
Designed to prepare educators to plan, implement and evaluate substance use prevention programs. Emphasizes incidence/prevalence, etiology, risk factors, short- and long-term effects of substance use. Key elements of effective prevention programs are reviewed. Meets requirements of Illinois state law concerning drug education.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH410 - Human Sexuality
(Same as WGSS 411) Provides detailed information on dimensions of sexuality; characteristics of healthy sexuality; anatomy and physiology; gender roles; relationships; sexually transmitted infections/diseases; contraceptive issues and concerns; sexual victimizations; and sexuality through the life cycle.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH411 - Emergency Medical Technician in the Wilderness
Placement of trained emergency medical technicians into a wilderness situation and having them adopt previously learned skills and newly developed skills. Prerequisite: PH 334 or PH 434.
Credit Hours: 6
- PH412S - Driving Task Analysis: An Introduction
An introductory course that deals with the highway transportation system, traffic problems, the driving task, perception and implementation of the driver education classroom program. Observation of a teaching environment is included. A valid driver's license is required.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH413S - Injury Prevention and Safety
Introduces the concepts and topics of injury prevention and safety. Course areas include: school, farm, consumer, fire, home, traffic, occupational, recreational, and disaster.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH414 - Sexuality Education
Focuses on knowledge/skills needed to address complex issues of sexuality education. Discussion will include challenges/resources for all health education settings and related disciplines. Purposes/goals, the nature of sexuality education teachers/learners, and "best practice" will be covered. Emphasis on developing competencies essential for professional practice.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH415 - Health Counseling
This course teaches basic communication skills and intervention strategies for helping people make positive health related lifestyle changes. It is not a course in therapeutic counseling; it focuses on helping average people to function in the healthiest way possible.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH430 - Health and Injury Control in a Work Setting
(Same as IMAE 430) Assesses the health and injury control programs present in a work setting. Emphasis given to employee programs in health, wellness, and injury control that are effective. Field trips to work sites are included.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH434 - Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care
Meets the needs of those in positions where advanced first aid and emergency care is required. A nationally recognized First Aid and CPR "First Responder" certification may be obtained with successful completion of the course. Purchase of first aid kits and protective equipment are necessary. Prerequisite: PH 334 or consent of instructor. Students will be required to pay a laboratory fee of $20.
Credit Hours: 4
- PH435 - Work Site Safety and Health Evaluation
This course covers methods of inspecting and evaluating health and safety hazards at a work site including analysis of specific job assignments. It also introduces the student to injury and incident investigation techniques. The course will include hands-on work site evaluation.
Credit Hours: 2
- PH440 - Health Issues in Aging
(Same as GRON 440) Course content includes demographic trends; physiological changes associated with aging; health care and consumer challenges; cultural differences; psychological effects of aging; housing; long-term care; retirement; care giving; and formal, informal, and community-based support systems.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH441 - Women's Health
The course deals with a wide variety of health concerns of American women as consumers in the current health marketplace. Major categories of topics include health products, health services, and sources of health information of particular interest to women. Emphasis is also placed on current health related issues of women. The major purpose of the course is to provide a basis for informed decision-making by the female consumer.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH442S - Developing Vehicle Operational Skills: Driver Education Laboratory Experiences
Learning activities will focus on preparing the prospective driver educator to conduct activities that develop operational skills for a novice driver. Emphasis is placed on laboratory organization and administration, maintaining a learning environment, developing laboratory instructional modules, and conducting learning experiences. Prerequisite: PH 412S.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH443S - Developing Classroom Skills: Driver Education Classroom Experience
Learning activities will focus on preparing the prospective driver educator with the skills to teach in the driver education classroom with application to classroom organization, maintaining a safe learning environment, developing instructional modules, and conducting learning experiences. Prerequisite: PH 412S with a grade of C.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH445 - Advanced Driver Education Instructor Training
Prepares prospective instructors of advanced driving techniques. Emphasis is placed upon safe driving practices, vehicle dynamics, emergency vehicle operation, in-car response to simulated driving emergencies, and instructional techniques. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH461 - Health Education Workshop
A different focal theme each year; e.g., mood modifying substances, ecology, human sexuality, emotional and social health dimensions. Information, ideas, and concepts are translated into teaching-learning materials and approaches; continuing opportunity for interaction between prospective and experienced teachers.
Credit Hours: 1-12
- PH470S - Highway Safety as Related to Alcohol and Other Drugs
Relationship between alcohol and other drugs and traffic accident causes. A review of education programs designed to minimize drug related accidents. Restricted to advanced standing or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH471 - Public Health Instructional Strategies
This course is designed for graduate students who are teaching assistants in Public Health. The purpose of the course is to enhance professional skills of those who are responsible for teaching health education, general education, and first aid.
Credit Hours: 2
- PH476 - Stress Management
A study of the physiological, emotional and sociological stressors and their underlying mechanisms in states of disease and health. Particular emphasis is placed upon prevention and control of stress via self assessment techniques and proficiency in self control techniques such as biofeedback, autogenic training, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH480S - Traffic and Driver Education Program Development
Acquaints students with curriculum innovation, current philosophy, learning and teaching theories, and instructional designs. Students will develop learning packages and modules. Prerequisite: PH 443S or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH484 - Preventing Violence in Educational Settings
Designed to prepare educators, administrators, and other professionals to plan, implement, and evaluate violence prevention, conflict resolution, and crisis intervention programs in educational settings. Incidence/prevalence, etiology, and risk/protective factors related to youth violence will be examined. Current theories and models related to program planning and implementation will be applied to design coordinated, integrated school/community programs. Based on current research, key elements of effective curricula and other program components will be reviewed.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH490A - Field Experiences in Schools, Community Health
Field observation, participation, and evaluation of current school or community health education or safety programs in agencies relevant to student interests. Prerequisite: all required health education courses. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 2-12
- PH490B - Advanced Field Experience in School, Community Health or Injury Prevention Education
Advanced field observation, participation and evaluation of current school or community health education or injury prevention programs in agencies relevant to student interests. Prerequisite: grade of B or better in PH 490A. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 2-6
- PH491 - Health Teaching/Learning: School and Community
Teaching and learning strategies at secondary school levels and in other community group settings. Opportunities to examine and observe a variety of educational strategies applicable to health education.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH496 - Industrial Hygiene
Provides a background in the recognition, evaluation, and control of toxic materials and hazardous physical agents in the work environment. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
- PH499 - Rx: Education in Health Care Settings
Designed for members and potential members of the health care team to explore educational concepts and strategies applicable to a variety of health care settings. Includes rights and responsibilities of consumer and professional, determinants of health behavior, contrasting models of health care, communication skills, media and materials and planning, implementing and evaluating educational programs. Open to medical and dental personnel, nurses, health educators, dietitians, therapists, pharmacists, social workers, and related professionals.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH505 - Foundations of Public Health Knowledge
This course provides an overview of the interdisciplinary field of public health. History and ongoing evolution of public health services and delivery systems in the U.S., essentials of public health practice, and federal, state, and local public health functions are considered. Emerging health problems, changing population dynamics, and global health context will be examined.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH506 - Communicating Public Health
This course assists students in developing skills and identifying opportunities for communicating public health messages through the preparation of technical papers for public health, other health science-related, area-specific, and cross-disciplinary journals, as well as communicating other professional and lay publications. Additional skills relate to the development of press releases, letters to the editor, preparation of posters, development of oral presentations for diverse audiences, estimating readability of written materials, assessing health literacy, preparing pamphlets and other written materials, designing messages for distribution by mass media, including but not limited to social media and social marketing.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH507 - MPH Experiential Learning Seminar
This course will introduce Master of Public Health (MPH) students to public health resource identification and utilization to understand and engage in public health fieldwork and service. MPH students will develop a professional portfolio to build upon through the tenure of the program.
Credit Hours: 1
- PH508 - Leadership in Public Health
This course provides an overview of the core principles in Public Health Leadership. Major theories and concepts in leadership and methods for applying these to public health will be discussed.
Credit Hours: 2
- PH512 - Public Health Program Planning
This course will present theories/models for health promotion program planning and implementation in community/public health settings. Steps to program planning, including: logic models, needs assessment, community organizing, evaluation/assessment, and social marketing will be addressed.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH513 - Public Health Analytics I
An introduction to biostatistics; examination of theories of population projections; collection, organization, interpretation, summarization, and evaluation of data relative to public health happenings with emphasis on graphic presentation.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH514 - Public Health Analytics II
The application of technology to engage communities and individuals in behavioral and environmental change processes. The course will focus on the use of technology to describe the magnitude of health problems and their sources; analyze risk factors; identify community strengths from which strategies may be defined and tools created to intervene, prevent problems, and promote health and well-being; and continuously evaluate, refine, and implement what works. Prerequisite: PH 513 with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH515 - Contemporary Issues in Health-Related Fields
This course is designed to expand the conceptual framework for health education research, practice, and professional development by examining contemporary issues in health and related fields. It includes reading, analyzing, interacting, and reflecting about selected critical issues and future concerns as they relate to the health education profession as well as individual, community, and societal health-related needs.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH520 - Special Topics/Independent Study
An area of study to be determined by students in consultation with the health education faculty that goes beyond the current health education course offerings. 1-3 credits; may be repeated twice for maximum of 6 hours. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-3
- PH525 - Applied Theoretical Foundations of Public Health
Examines health-related motivation and behavior through the study of relevant psychological, sociological, and educational theory and research. Emphasis is on application of behavioral and behavior-change theories and constructs in designing effective health education and promotion programs.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH526 - Evidence-based Research and Evaluation in Public Health
Introduction to research and evaluation. Includes survey and analyses of health testing and research/evaluation procedures, uses and limitations of knowledge and attitude tests, behavioral inventories, checklists, questionnaires, interviews, and other techniques.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH530S - Research in Traffic Safety
A study of unique problems related to traffic safety and a review and evaluation of contemporary studies. Restricted to graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH532 - Public Health Administration: Principles and Practices
This course is designed to provide a broad overview of key administrative issues in public health, including building and sustaining a public health workforce, disease control and prevention, emergency preparedness, legal issues, and financial considerations. Attention will be given to the application of management concepts and principles related to public health organizations at the national, state, and local levels.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH533B - Foundations of Public Health II
This course will provide a broad overview of quantitative research in public health, including research designs, research questions, assumptions, limitations, data collection methods, sampling, instrument development, and data analysis and interpretation. Discussion of health-related theories/models and ethical considerations will be integrated throughout the course.
Credit Hours: 4
- PH536 - Professional Preparation in Public Health
Considers national, state and local factors influencing professional preparation, accreditation and certification processes. Emphasis upon influences of official and non-official agencies. Historical perspective, the present status, and future directions of the profession.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH541 - Issues in Health Care
Examination of current and continuing issues in the provision, administration, financing, and regulation of health care services. Prerequisite: PH 583 with grade of C or better or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH550S - Current Developments in Traffic and Safety Education
Current problems, trends and research studies in traffic and safety education are reviewed, critiqued and evaluated. Restricted to graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH555S - Traffic Safety Management
Course deals with highway safety legislation and other acts related to traffic safety. Application of safety management techniques, procedures and structure of federal and state agencies are emphasized. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH561 - Advanced Public Health Workshop
A different focal theme each year; e.g., technology and health education; coordinated school health programs; social marketing; mental health. Information, ideas and concepts are translated into teaching/learning materials and approaches; continuing opportunity for interaction between prospective and experienced health educators.
Credit Hours: 1-12
- PH571 - Professional Development for Teaching Assistants
This course is designed to assist graduate teaching assistants to develop and improve skills necessary for performing their responsibilities. Emphasis will be placed on teaching/learning processes; classroom strategies and skill development; responding to diverse student populations; communication across the curriculum; teaching outside the classroom; identifying campus and community resources, support services, media, and technologies; evaluation and assessment. Restricted to graduate teaching assistants. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH583 - U.S. Health System: Organization, Delivery, and Policy
This course examines dynamics and trends in organization, financing, and delivery of health care in the United States. Specific current health policy issues and the political, social, and economic forces that affect them are analyzed. Practical implications for public health professionals will be considered.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH585 - Global Health Issues
This course is designed to introduce students to current health concerns in economically developing nations by examining socioeconomic, cultural, and political issues impacting health. Basic epidemiologic principles will be used to study disease and adverse health conditions in developing countries as well as understand and critique possible intervention strategies. Implications for health educators working in international settings will be discussed.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH588 - Current Issues in Environmental Health
This course will address core principles and concepts of environmental health disciplines, analyze environmental factors impacting human and ecological health, and explore environmental health tools through their application to current issues of concern to government agencies.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH592 - Practicum in Safety and Industrial Health
Students are assigned full-time to a safety agency or industry for experience in either safety or industrial health. Restricted to those specializing in safety industrial health. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 8
- PH593 - Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health
This course will present principles and practices related to the study, prevention and control of health-related conditions in the human population. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the principal concepts of epidemiology, including aspects of disease distribution, epidemiologic methods, risk assessment of disease and injury, descriptive and analytic epidemiologic methods and study designs, and application of epidemiologic data to the prevention and control of disease and injury. Format for the class will include lecture and small group seminars.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH597 - Seminar in Public Health
Advanced graduate students discuss individual health projects and present research problems. Each will present a dissertation prospectus. The course will cross two semesters. The first semester will require class attendance. The second will require attending dissertation prospectus and defense meetings and writing individual reports. Prerequisite: PH 533B.
Credit Hours: 2
- PH598 - Grant Writing in Public Health
Consideration is given to funding sources, proposal guidelines, procedures for support, budgetary requirements and evaluation procedures. Students examine different types of funded projects, develop a research proposal and analyze the art of grantsmanship and political action.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH599 - Thesis
- PH599A - MPH Applied Practical Experience (APE) Seminar
The purpose of the MPH Applied Practice Experience Seminar is to prepare students for their applied practice experience and for a future as a public health professional. This seminar serves as one of the prerequisites for enrolling in the MPH Applied Practical Experience (PH 599B). Through this semester, students will prepare the components of the applied practice experience learning agreement. This seminar provides students with useful skills needed to complete an applied practice experience and to work in a public health or community setting. Students will have a specific topic, project(s) and/or site in mind prior to taking this course, which is typically taken in the second semester of Year 1. Prerequisite: PH 507 with a grade of B or better.
Credit Hours: 1
- PH599B - MPH Applied Practical Experience (APE)
Master of Public Health (MPH) students will demonstrate competency attainment through applied practice experiences. All MPH students are required to complete a 240-hour experience with a community-based component. The Applied Practice Experience (APE) provides a practical experience in a public health setting where students apply skills and knowledge they gained during didactic courses to attain at least five competencies. Dual degree students have opportunities to integrate and apply their learning from both degree programs through applied practice experiences. Students meet the APE requirements by supporting the Program's mission and students' career goals, to the extent possible. Prerequisite: PH 599A with a grade of B or better.
Credit Hours: 2
- PH599C - MPH Integrative Learning Experience
During the final semester(s) of study, students are required to complete an integrative learning experience (ILE) that demonstrates synthesis of foundational and program competencies. ILEs require two products: 1) a high-quality written product and 2) a presentation on the ILE. Prerequisite: PH 599B with a grade of B or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- PH600 - Dissertation
- PH601 - Continuing Enrollment
For those graduate students who have not finished their degree programs and who are in the process of working on their dissertation, thesis or research paper. The student must have completed a minimum of 24 hours of dissertation research, or the minimum thesis, or research hours before being eligible to register for this course. Concurrent enrollment in any other course is not permitted. Graded S/U or DEF only.
Credit Hours: 1
- PH603 - Ph.D. Seminar in Population Health
This course is a discussion of current topics and literature in Population Health. Provides a forum for PhD students and faculty presentations and review of current research efforts. Encourages integration of content knowledge to prepare for careers in the field. Restricted to admission to PhD program in Population Health or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
- PH699 - Postdoctoral Research
Must be a Postdoctoral Fellow. Concurrent enrollment in any other course is not permitted.
Credit Hours: 1