Higher Education

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The School of Education provides graduate study leading to the Master of Science in Education degree in Higher Education. The program offers students an opportunity to study and explore the concept of higher education as a field of study. The faculty of this program encourages and assists students in developing a lifetime commitment to the study of higher education. They also provide preservice and inservice preparation for persons who are teaching or serving as administrators or who expect to teach or serve as administrators in two-year and four-year colleges and universities, and related post-secondary educational institutions and agencies.

This program requires a nonrefundable $65 application fee that must be submitted with the application for Admissions to Graduate Study in Higher Education. Applicants must pay this fee by credit card.   

Academic Standing

Each student pursuing a degree, certificate, or endorsement offered by the Higher Education program must establish and maintain adequate academic standing in order to complete the selected program. To be sure, the Academic Standing expectations in the programs are in addition to the Satisfactory Progress Standards established by the Graduate School. (Refer to the Financial Assistance section of the Graduate Catalog for more information.) In an effort to promote and support program completion, EAHE defines Academic Standing as follows:


Student actively engages in at least one of the following based on the structure of their academic program:

  • Takes classes annually that count toward program completion (not including continuing enrollment credit)
  • Completes internship(s)
  • Participates in preliminary examinations
  • Conducts research as illustrated by the scheduling of a prospectus or defense
  • Fulfills other requirements in their academic program
  • Maintains regular contact with their faculty advisor (at least once per semester)

Results: Student will continue to work on completing their academic program.


Without attaining a formal leave of absence (requested one semester at a time with a maximum of two semesters during a degree program) from the program and the Graduate School, the student neglects to do at least one of the following based on the structure of their academic program:

  • Take classes annually that count toward program completion (not including continuing enrollment credit)
  • Complete internship(s)
  • Participate in preliminary examinations
  • Conduct research as illustrated by the scheduling of a prospectus or defense
  • Fulfill other requirements in their academic program

Additionally, the student does not maintain contact with or respond to communication from their faculty advisor, program director, and/or school.

Results: The program will alert the student on what they need to do to attain Adequate Academic Standing. The student will receive time to meet these requirements based on the availability of course offerings, examinations, or other missing requirements. Following the satisfaction of the missing requirements, the program will reassess academic standing of the student.


Over a sustained period without attaining a formal leave of absence from the program and the Graduate School, the student repeatedly fails to do at least one of the following based on the structure of their academic program:

  • Take classes annually that count toward program completion (not including continuing enrollment credit)
  • Complete internship(s)
  • Participate in preliminary examinations
  • Conduct research as illustrated by the scheduling of a prospectus or defense
  • Fulfill other requirements in their academic program -OR-
  • The student does not maintain contact with or respond to communication from their faculty advisor, program director, and/or school over a sustained period -OR-
  • The student fails to complete all of the program requirements within the specified time limit.

Results: The program will alert the student to their academic deficiencies and provide an opportunity for the student to author a written appeal to this status within a specified time limit. This appeal should include the steps that the student intends to take to address academic deficiencies. The program will respond upon receipt of the student’s written appeal.

If the program elects to approve the student’s written appeal, the student will receive a specified period of time to fulfill the conditions of the appeal. Successful completion of these conditions will lead to a reassessment of the academic standing of that student.

A student who fails to provide or satisfy the conditions of a written appeal may be subject to dismissal from their academic program and the Graduate School.

As specified by the Graduate School, it is the responsibility of each student to keep the University and the program apprised of their up-to-date contact information. (Refer to the Financial Assistance section of the Graduate Catalog for more information.)

Program Expectations and Time Limits

Once enrolled, the program expects each student to make continuous academic progress toward completing their specified program. Please refer to the information below to learn more about the expectations for your specific program.

Master’s Degrees, Certificates, and Endorsements

Upon admission to pursue a master’s degree, certificate, and/or endorsement in Higher Education offered by School of Education, the program will expect students to maintain adequate academic standing. To maintain this status, each student must enroll in, complete, and pass courses, internships, exams, and other requirements that lead to the completion of their specified academic program. As specified by the Graduate School, each student will have six calendar years, from the date of initial enrollment, to complete all of the requirements for their specified academic program. (Refer to the Degree Requirements section of the Graduate Catalog for more information.)

Graduate Credit From Post-Master’s Courses

The Higher Education program in the School of Education will accept selected post-master’s degree credits earned by students prior to acceptance into the Ph.D. in Higher Education program. Credit will not be accepted for Independent Readings, Independent Studies, or Internship courses. EAHE will accept up to the maximum of credits allowed by the Graduate School at SIUC.

Rationale - We need to do this to establish consistency for all of the students. Previously, some students had the opportunity to utilize these courses, while others did not.

Written Appeals

Any student enrolled in a program may author a written appeal regarding their academic standing. Written appeals should include the following:

  • Your name (according to University records), DAWG tag #, and current contact information (postal address, phone, and email).
  • An outline detailing why the program should allow you to remain an active student in your specified program.
  • A description of the difficulties or any extraordinary circumstances that have inhibited your progress toward completing your degree, certificate, or endorsement.
  • A specific timeline of strategies and plans that you will use to make satisfactory progress toward program completion from this point forward. Note: if the faculty members choose to reinstate you as a student, we will regard this timeline and expressed strategies as a contract. Failure to make progress under these conditions will be cause for immediate dismissal from the specified academic program without the opportunity for any further appeals.
  • Identification of and established communication with a current EAHE faculty member who has agreed to serve as your adviser and will assist you in completing your program.

Upon receipt of notification that the program deems the student’s academic standing to be either Inadequate or Delinquent, the student will have 45 calendar days to provide a written appeal to the program. If a student chooses not to author a written appeal regarding their academic standing, then the original determination issued by the program will remain and the program will inform the Graduate School of the student’s status, which may result in dismissal from the specified program and the Graduate School. Students who disagree with the final decision issued by the program must refer to the Graduate Student Academic Grievance Policy established by the Graduate School. (Refer to the Academic Grievances Policy/Procedures section of the Graduate Catalog for more information.)   

Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) in Higher Education

The emphasis of this degree is to provide individuals with the background and skills important to accepting a wide range of teaching and administrative positions in higher education. Concentrations in community college teaching and college student personnel are offered.

Students applying for admission are encouraged to have some leadership experience prior to starting graduate study. Students who expect to complete a program to prepare them for teaching in a community college are expected to have an undergraduate major in a subject area commonly taught in a community college.

Community College Teaching (32 credit hours, minimum) Concentration

Students who wish to teach in a community college must complete at least 20 credit hours in their teaching specialty and at least 12 credit hours in specified courses in educational administration and higher education, for a minimum of at least 32 credit hours. Students in this program must secure prior to admission a subject matter adviser from the faculty of the subject area who will agree to help plan the student’s academic program.

The common core of courses required of students in this program includes the following:

  •     EAHE 516: College Students and College Culture (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 518: College Teaching (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 524: Curriculum Design and Policy (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 526: The Community College (3 CH)

Students must also complete a minimum of 20 credit hours in their teaching specialty. Recommended courses beyond the minimum requirements are as follows, and must be taken unless waived by the program coordinator:

  •     EAHE 500: Educational Research Methods (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 598: Internship (2-6 CH)  -OR-
  •     EAHE 599: Thesis (3 CH)/Individual Research 593A-L (3 CH)

College Student Personnel (36 credit hours) Concentration

This program focuses on preparing new professionals to work as student affairs administrators and educators within institutions of higher education. Students must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of courses designed to prepare them as higher education generalists. Through internships, electives, and professional development seminars, students individualize their programs to acquire specialized emphasis in various student affairs units, including admission and recruitment, student development, student activities and programming, alumni relations, career planning, financial aid, orientation, placement, and residence life.

College Student Personnel Common Core (12 credit hours):

  •     EAHE 508: Student Development Theory (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 510: Higher Education in the United States (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 513: Org. and Administration in Higher Education (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 515: Student Affairs Administration (3 CH)

Cognate (12-18 credit hours):

  • Students will work with advisor to construct a cognate, which is compatible with their academic and professional interests. Possible cognates include, but are not limited to: Administration, Cultural Contexts, and Student Affairs.

Professional Development (3 to 9 credit hours):

  •     EAHE 591: Individual Study (1-6 CH)
  •     EAHE 598: Higher Education Internship (3-6 CH)

Capstone (3 credit hours):

  •     EAHE 546: Co-Curricular Assessment (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 593L: Research Paper (3 CH)
  •     EAHE 599: Thesis (3 CH)

Electives (3 to 6 credit hours):

  • As selected with advisor.

Waiver for Internship Requirement

Each student must complete or obtain a waiver for the required internship in addition to any paid assistantship that the student may secure. Internships must be in a setting different from the student’s assistantship or professional work environment. Internship opportunities exist through most areas of Student Affairs on the SIU Carbondale campus; other locations or settings might be eligible; each student must obtain approval from their advisor before initiating any internship. Students with non-assistantship based, professional experience in higher education may seek a waiver of the internship requirement. All waivers must be in writing and require advisor approval. Students permitted to waive the internship requirement must complete an additional three credit hours of independent study to satisfy the credit requirements needed to obtain the degree.

Research/Capstone Requirements

Community College Teaching concentration students shall demonstrate research competencies through writing an acceptable research paper or master’s thesis (which involves original research). College Student Personnel concentration students complete a capstone. Options for the capstone may include a research paper, master’s thesis, or complete EAHE 546: Co-Curricular Assessment. Students who select the thesis option must have an approved prospectus on file at least six months in advance of the anticipated graduation date; they must enroll for three credit hours of EAHE 599 (Thesis); and they must have a committee of at least three faculty members. Students who elect to write a research paper must have a committee of two faculty members, and they must enroll in three credit hours of EAHE 593 (Research Paper). Students who choose the thesis or research paper option are required to complete successfully a final examination, which usually consists of a presentation and defense of the research paper or thesis; this exam may be written, oral, or both.

M.S.Ed./J.D. Concurrent Degrees

This concurrent degree in higher education and law helps to provide students with an academic foundation in areas where the two fields intersect. Specifically, this joint program allows students to acquire knowledge and develop problem-solving skills applicable to both areas. Participants in this program will develop an understanding of legal matters, history, foundations, theories, policies, and processes that influence postsecondary institutions. Students completing this joint degree will attain unique qualifications preparing them for careers such as higher education administrators, postsecondary counsel, policymaking, student advocacy, and other areas where law and postsecondary institutions intersect. Prospective students must meet the admissions requirements and gain acceptance separately to Higher Education and the School of Law. Students concurrently enrolled in either degree program must attain a minimum GPA and grading scales. Students interested in Higher Education portion of this concurrent program should consult with the Director of the Higher Education Programs. Students will need to take a minimum of 21 credit hours of Higher Education courses and nine credit hours of electives through the School of Law as selected with the appropriate advisors.

Certificate in College Teaching

The program offers a postsecondary focused teaching post-baccalaureate certificate to any graduate student enrolled in or who has completed at least a master’s degree. The program will operate within a cohort format as a way of streamlining course scheduling, promoting intergroup socialization and development, and supporting routine, consistent, and timely completion. To establish and maintain cohort delivery, the program will offer all students the following courses:

College Teaching Certificate
Course/Category Required Credit Hours
Common Core
EAHE 508: College Student Development Theory 3
EAHE 510: Higher Education in the United States 3
EAHE 518: College Teaching 3
EAHE 524: Curriculum Design and Policy 3
Organizational Core (choose one)
EAHE 513: Organization and Administration in Higher Education 3
EAHE 526: The Community College 3
EAHE 598: Higher Education Internship 3
Total Credit Hours: 18

All of these courses are 500-level courses. 


To gain admission to the program, prospective students must hold or be enrolled in a graduate degree program and maintain a minimum 3.0/4.0 GPA. Applications for admission must include the following: a completed program application, three letters of references attesting to the applicant’s potential for success as a postsecondary instructor, and a teaching statement. Higher Education faculty members will review applications and select students for admission to the certificate program.