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The College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics offers an interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering Science at the college level. This program supports a cooperative program with SIU Edwardsville. To support graduate programs, the College has well equipped laboratories and computer facilities that are housed in a modern engineering complex. Additional research opportunities and funding are provided through the Advanced Energy Institute, the Materials Technology Center, and the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration.    

For information on additional doctoral degrees offered in the college, refer to the program pages for:

  • Computer Science
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Mathematics

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering Science

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Engineering Science is available for five concentrations:

Civil and Environmental Engineering Concentration

Course offerings and research activities include: water and wastewater treatments, hazardous and industrial waste treatment, geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, hydrologic and hydraulic engineering, sediment transport, water resources engineering, steel and concrete design, structural analysis, seismic design and analysis, and engineering materials.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Concentration

Course offerings and research activities include antennas, circuits and systems theory, electromagnetics, robust and adaptive control, robotics, embedded control, MEMS, nanoelectronics, energy conversion, power systems, power electronics, pattern recognition, image processing, biomedical engineering, neural networks, optical computing, stochastic modeling, wireless communications, detection and estimation theory, communication networks, mobile ad hoc networks, sensor networks, digital systems, programmable ASICs design, bioengineering, computer architecture, CMOS VLSI, fault tolerance, mixed signal testing and design, low power system design, hardware/software co-design, synthesis and verification of digital systems, physical design automation, and VLSI testing.

Industrial and Quality Engineering Concentration

Course offerings and research activities include: quality assurance, statistical process control, six sigma, lean enterprise, service quality, reliability analysis, quality function deployment, design of experiments, project management, human safety, risk management, management of information technology resources, energy management and conservation.

Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes Concentration

Course offerings and research activities include: mechanics, mechanical systems, fractional calculus and their applications, fluid/thermal systems, material and chemical systems, air pollution control, mass and heat transfer, coal conversion, electrochemical processes, catalysis, thermal science, thermal systems design, combustion, internal combustion engines, chemical and biochemical processes, dynamics and vibrations, mechanical systems control, computational modeling and simulations, composite materials and ceramics, tribology, and micro- and nano-technology, electro-hydrodynamics, computational multiphase flow and heat transfer, microfluidics, bio-fluidics, CFD, computations of phase change phenomena and capillary driven flows.

Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering Concentration

Course offerings and research activities in this area of concentration include: rock mechanics and ground control, geological engineering, mineral and coal processing, surface and underground mining systems performance optimization, mine design innovative mining systems, surface mine reclamation, in-situ mining, mine environment and ventilation, coal mine dust control, coal bed methane reservoir engineering, carbon dioxide sequestration, and coal combustion byproduct utilization and management.

Cooperative Ph.D. Program

The College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics at SIU-Carbondale and SIU-Edwardsville have entered into a cooperative Ph.D. program in Engineering Science. Additional information may be obtained at

Admission and Retention

Admission to the doctoral program requires a master’s degree in engineering or its equivalent. Applicants for the doctoral degree in Engineering Science must meet Graduate School admission requirements and be approved by the college graduate studies committee. This program requires a $65 application fee that must be submitted with the application for Admission to Graduate Study in Engineering Science.

In addition to Graduate School and other college requirements, the committee ordinarily requires a grade point average of 3.25 (4 point scale) in graduate level work. Applicants are required to submit GRE scores in support of their application for admission. Except for persons from English-speaking countries, international students are required to have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper score) or 213 (computer score) or 80 (internet score) or an IELTS score of 6.5 or higher for admission.

Admission to the doctoral program also requires the identification of an initial graduate adviser for each student. For students seeking admission to the Cooperative Ph.D. in Engineering Science Program, both an initial SIU-Edwardsville advisor along with an initial SIU-Carbondale co-advisor must be identified. This advisor will be responsible with the student for planning the student’s course work. The college graduate studies committee will be kept informed of the student’s program of study.

Retention is governed by the rules of the Graduate School. Students should avoid the accumulation of incomplete grades. No student with more than two incomplete grades can be awarded a graduate assistant appointment, and a student holding a graduate assistant appointment is subject to having the appointment terminated upon acquiring two or more incomplete grades.

Accelerated Entry

After at least two semesters in residence in an engineering M.S. program and after completing a minimum of 18 credit hours of approved coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.75, a student may request for an accelerated entry into the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program. Such entry is permitted only to superior students who have exhibited evidence that they are prepared to begin the research activities of doctoral-level study. In addition, the student must have GRE scores that are at or above the 50th percentile for both verbal reasoning component and analytical writing component and 80th percentile for the quantitative reasoning component or a combined total percentile score of 180 or higher. In case of a domestic student, an undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher is also a requirement. For an international student, a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper score) or an IBT score of 80 or an IELTS score of 6.5 is an additional requirement. In exceptional cases, to substitute for the abovementioned GRE and TOEFL score requirements, the student’s current faculty advisor, with the approval of the school director, may submit a letter of recommendation for their student’s accelerated entry into the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program.

The student, having an accelerated entry into the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program, may not write a M.S. Thesis. In addition, six credit hours of course work of 500-level completed prior to his/her entry into the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program may be counted toward the Ph.D. course requirement. In the rare event that the student getting an accelerated entry into the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program fails to pass the Ph.D. qualifying exam in two attempts, they will be allowed to complete a M.S. degree in their respective discipline.


A minimum of 26 credit hours of course work, including two credit hours of seminar, and 24 credit hours of dissertation research is required. The course work must be completed in two areas: area of concentration and program core. A student must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of course work relevant to an area of concentration. The course work in the area of concentration is intended to provide depth in the student’s area of research. The program core consists of 11 credit hours of course work. A dissertation must be completed in the student’s area of research interest with the approval of the dissertation committee.

Program Core

The program core consists of 11 credit hours of course work:

  • Six credit hours in math
  • Three credit hours in engineering or science 
  • Two credit hours of seminar

The math courses to choose from are: all 400 and 500, except MATH 400, MATH 411, MATH 412, MATH 480, MATH 483, MATH 511, MATH 513A-I, and MATH 516A, MATH 516B.

The engineering courses to choose from are: ENGR 530 Engineering Data Acquisition: Theory and Practice, ENGR 540 Design of Engineering Experiments, ENGR 545 Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering, ENGR 521 Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineers.

The science course could be any 400- or 500-level course in Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, or Geology as approved by the student’s advisor.

The seminar course, ENGR 580, must be taken in two separate semesters, each time as one credit hour course.

It is recommended that the seminar classes be taken after the initiation of doctoral research or after candidacy is granted. Guide for Core and Concentration Courses

  • Only two 400-level courses (typically six credit hours) can be counted towards the minimum required 26 credit hours of course work.
  • Special Investigation course can be taken under ENGR 590—Special Investigations in Engineering Science, and only three credit hours can be counted towards the minimum required 26 credit hours of course work.
  • Transfer credit will normally be given for some of the graduate level courses suitable to the program upon review by the college Ph.D. in Engineering Science Committee. Proficiency examinations may be authorized by the committee for areas in which questions of transfer credit arise. No credit will be given for industrial experience. A maximum of six credit hours of course work can be transferred in all cases due to residency requirement, which states that every student must complete at least 24 credit hours of approved course work at SIU prior to taking the candidacy examination. Of the 24 credit hours of dissertation research (ENGR 600) only six credit hours can be completed before candidacy.
  • A student transferring credits from a master’s program must have earned those credits over and above the required course work to obtain the M.S. degree in their institution. Credit cannot be transferred from master degrees obtained from international institutions.


A Ph.D. in Engineering Science student must satisfy all Graduate School requirements to become a candidate. Acceptance to Ph.D. in Engineering Science candidacy is contingent upon the completion of all courses, excluding the seminar, with A or B grades and successful completion of a written and an oral examination in the student’s area of concentration.

The examination in the area of concentration is organized and administered by the student’s academic advisor. The candidacy examination committee consists of at least three faculty chosen by the advisor in consultation with the student. The committee has to be approved by the program director before it conducts the examination. Normally, the examination can be conducted at any time during the year when classes are in session. In the written examination, the student is tested in at least two major topics of the area of concentration with an appropriate number of questions prepared by the members of the student’s candidacy committee. Each student has to score at least 70 percent in each major topic test in order to successfully complete the written part of the candidacy examination. If a student fails to pass any topic test of the written examination, a second chance is given for the failed topic test. If a student does not successfully complete the written examination after two attempts, he/she will not be accepted to candidacy in the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program. A student is qualified to take the oral examination only after successfully completing the written examination.

The oral examination is conducted within two weeks of the successful completion of the written examination. In the oral examination, the student is tested again in the area of concentration by the candidacy committee members. If a student fails to pass the oral examination in the first attempt, a second chance is given. If a student does not successfully complete the oral examination after two attempts, he/she will not be accepted to candidacy in the engineering science Ph.D. in Engineering Science program.

After the completion of the concentration examination, copies of the graded tests, along with signoff sheets for both the written and oral examinations are submitted to the director of the Ph.D. in Engineering Science program.


A dissertation must be written under the direction or codirection of an engineering faculty member and approved by a dissertation committee consisting of a minimum of five members, one of whom must be from outside the College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics. For students enrolled in the cooperative Ph.D. in Engineering Science program, the committee will be made up of at least six members, three SIUC faculty members and three SIUE faculty members, with a chair from SIUE and a co-chair from SIUC.

The dissertation adviser must be chosen by the end of the student’s first academic year. The dissertation committee should be formed after successful completion of the candidacy examination. The members of this committee need not be the same as the members of the candidacy examination committee.

A dissertation research proposal must be approved by the dissertation committee. Candidates will be required to present an acceptable dissertation describing original research performed with minimal supervision.

Dissertation approval is based on a successful oral defense of the dissertation research and approval of the dissertation. This requires approval of at least 80 percent of the dissertation committee.


  1. All requirements of the Graduate School must be met.
  2. A minimum of 26 credit hours of doctoral level course work must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 3.25.
  3. An acceptable dissertation must be completed within five years after admission to candidacy or the student will be required to repeat the candidacy examinations.