Environmental Resources and Policy Faculty

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Environmental Resources & Policy Faculty
Please see the program web pages (erp.siu.edu/faculty-staff/) for detailed information on the research activities of individual faculty members. Please also see the program entries in this catalog.


Biological Sciences

Butts-Wilmsmeyer, Carolyn, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Predictive Analytics, Plant Genetics and Predictive Modeling

Computer Science

Che, Dunren, Professor, Big Data, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing


Lahiri, Sajal, Professor, Distinguished Scholar and Vandeveer Chair, International and Developmental Economics 


Akamani, Kofi, Assistant Professor, Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management

Carver, Andrew, Professor and Director of Engagement, Land Use Planning, GIS

Park, Logan, Associate Professor, Recreation Ecology

Ruffner, Charles, Professor, Forest Ecology

Schoonover, Jon, Professor, Watershed Management and Hydrology

Williard, Karl, Professor, Hydrological Modeling, Watershed Management

Geography and Environmental Resources

Duram, Leslie, Professor, Agricultural Conservation Policy, Public Lands Policy, Organic Agriculture

Hurst, Kristin, Assistant Professor, Sustainability Psychology, Pro-Environmental Behavior, Climate Change Engagement

Li, Ruopu, Associate Professor, GIS-based Land Use Modeling, Water Resources Planning and Management, Groundwater Modeling

Remo, Jonathan, Associate Professor and ER&P Director, Hydrology, Water Resources Management, Fluvial Geomorphology, and Natural Hazard

Schoof, Justin, Professor, Climate Variability and Change, Climate Extremes

Wang, Guangxing, Professor, Remote Sensing, Spatial Statistics and GIS


Lefticariu, Liliana, Professor, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Aqueous Geochemistry, Radiation Chemistry


Xu, Jianhong, Associate Professor, Numerical Analysis, Matrix Theory and Applications


Hamilton-Bhrem, Scott, Assistant Professor, Anaerobic and Aerobic Cultivation of Microorganisms, Environmental Sampling

Plant Biology

Gibson, David, Professor, Population and Community Ecology

Plant, Soil and Agricultural Sciences 

Gage, Karla, Assistant Professor, Biology and Ecology of Weeds

Sadeghpour, Amir, Assistant Professor, Integrated Soil Management

School of Law 

McCubbin, Patricia, Professor, Environmental Law, Environmental Law, Advanced Environmental Litigation

SIUE Cooperative

Guehlstorf, Nicholas, Professor, Environmental Law, Political Theory

Lin, Zhi-Qing, Professor, Phytoremediation Technology, Biogeochemistry

Martinez, Adriana, Associate Professor, Fluvial Geomorphology, Riparian Zones, GIS

Retzlaff, William, Professor, Sustainable Infrastructure, Green Roofs, Green Technology

Theodarakis, Chris, Professor, Aquatic Ecotoxicology

Yoon, Kyong-Sup, Assistant Professor, Environmental Toxicology, Vector Biology



Brooks, Marjorie, Associate Professor, Aquatic Ecology, Freshwater and Marine Biogeochemistry