- AVM410 - Legal Aspects of Aviation
The course will emphasize basic law as it relates to contracts, personnel, liabilities, and legal authority of governmental units and agencies as it relates to the aviation industry.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM420 - Aviation Safety Management
This course will survey the various aspects of aviation flight and ground safety management. Weather, air traffic control, mechanical and human factors in aviation safety management will be reviewed. Case studies of individual aviation accidents and incidents will be analyzed.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM430 - Air Transport Labor Relations
The legislation governing labor relations in the U.S. consists of two pieces of legislation, the Railway Labor Act for labor relations in the railroad/airline industries; and the National Labor Relations Act for all other industrial sectors. This course focuses on the examination of air transport labor relations in the context of these key laws. Students will understand the Constitutional basis for labor law, how labor law affects the creation of regulations under 14 CFR particularly flight crew workload, required number of flight crew, flight deck operation, flight safety, and operations in the National Airspace System.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM440 - Fiscal Aspects of Aviation Management
An introduction to the fiscal problems encountered in the administration of aviation facilities. Topics include economics principles, accounting principles, finance principles, equity and debt markets.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM540 - Organizational Theory and Leadership
An examination of individual, group and organizational issues affecting behavior and management of organizations, including aviation organizations. Topics include individual differences, organizational culture, organizational structure, leadership, general management, ethical decision making, and change management.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM550 - Statistical Concepts and Management Information Systems in Aviation
This course is an introduction to quantitative analysis used in aviation. Students will gain skills necessary to employ the techniques of data analysis and reporting through the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include: discrete and continuous probability distributions; construction and interpretation of confidence intervals; applications of mathematical models; hypothesis testing and linear regression. Students will demonstrate their understanding and application of various computer applications currently used in aerospace support and will employ these tools to organize, analyze and report data.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM551 - Aviation Policy, Law, and Regulation
(Same as PADM 551) Examination of the history of American aviation policy, law and regulation. The course focuses primarily on the development, implementation and enforcement of aviation policies and regulations at the federal level. Special attention is paid to the interaction of various government agencies and constituency groups, such as the aircraft industry, airport authorities, airlines, private pilots and passengers. In addition to the historical survey, students will analyze current policy and regulatory trends and identify future problems and opportunities for American aviation policy. Restricted to enrollment in MPAA graduate program or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM552 - Advanced Airport Administration
(Same as PADM 552) This course will address the role and function of the airport administrator, especially related to the tasks of developing, operating and maintaining various airport services to meet the needs of key airport users. This course will study key airport administration cases at primary, commercial service, reliever and general aviation airports. Meeting key airport regulations concerning operations and security will be a focus of the course. Restricted to enrollment in MPAA graduate program or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM553 - Advanced Safety Administration
(Same as PADM 553) The Aviation Safety Administrator's job function and responsibility for safety and accident prevention within an aviation organization is examined using the case study method. The relevant theory, concepts, procedures and techniques of resource allocation, organizational design, decision modeling, task assignment, delegation of authority and responsibility, establishment of organizational goals and priorities and risk management as they relate to Aviation Safety are included. The job functions of an Aircraft Accident Investigation Team and of an Aviation Safety Inspector will be studied. Aviation safety administration literature will be reviewed.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM554 - Aviation Planning
(Same as PADM 554) Examination of aviation planning at the international, federal, state and local levels. The course focuses primarily on federal aviation planning, but considerable attention is paid to the interdependent relationship between the various levels of planning. Special attention is paid to the planning process and the role of various agencies and client groups within the aviation community. Restricted to enrollment in MPAA graduate program or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM555 - International Aviation
An examination of the regulatory, political, economic impact and structural organization of international aviation. Contemporary issues in the national and international environment will be discussed. The history and evolution of international aviation will be discussed. Aircraft accidents that occurred on a global stage will be examined and resulting regulatory and social changes will be explored. Global issues surrounding advances in Air Traffic Management will be discussed. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and its practices will also be examined.
Credit Hours: 3
- AVM580 - Independent Research Capstone
The selection and investigation of a research topic in a student's area of interest that culminates in a paper satisfying the research requirement for a Master of Science in Aviation Management. This paper should showcase the application of a student's skill and knowledge gained from the program's courses to a current issue in the aviation industry. Research papers should include all appropriate quantitative or qualitative components including the analysis of any data found or generated. Research topics should be approved by the course instructor and by the University's Human Subjects Committee prior to beginning any research activities. Prerequisite: AVM 550 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment.
Credit Hours: 3